Happy running, Vivian! I'm so excited to cheer you on along the way.
Challenges are part of life, in life challenges make you better. My best wishes in this marathon; a huge challenge for a much bigger cause. Love Fernando.
I'm very proud of you because everything you do is always done for a noble cause, always altruistic and good active. We wish you good luck, blessings! Frizito y Mom.
Felcidades y un fuerte abrazo
We are very excited for you! We are looking forward to hearing about your training runs and then hearing about your experience in the marathon. We wish we could be there to cheer for you!!
Martha & I will be cheering you on from the sidelines!!!👋
Vamos Vivian!!!!! mucha suerte amiga 🥰🌹😂
Estimada Vivian, que bueno saber que estas corriendo en el NYC Marathon. Lorena y yo estaremos ahi apoyandote. God bless you Vivian, this is a great cause.
Congratulations, Vivian! So proud of you! - Roseann
Run Vivian run!!! Felicidades!!!
Congrats on running the Marathon! As a fellow runner, I can attest to this being an incredible accomplishment. Great work and a wonderful cause!
Go Vivian!!
Vamos querida Vivian , llegamos a la meta y mas , siempre lo has hecho y esta vez no sera la excepción. Fuerza y Arriba !
Estamos muy orgullosos de ti, VivÃan! Te estaremos animando durante todo el camino!
Your story is inspiring - best wishes!!
Good luck in your first marathon! Awesome! All the best Vivian!
Vivian siempre te he visto afrontando grandes retos, como Peruana admiro esa fortaleza, deseo de superación, perseverancia y tu gran espÃritu de ayuda y servicio social.
good luck and great cause!
Good luck on the Marathon from Jim and Georgette