I am excited to share that I am running the Kilimanjaro Marathon in Tanzania on February 23rd! This marathon marks a new phase of running for me, a phase of running with a purpose beyond my own goals and enjoyment. It is a joy to be running in support of The Foundation for Tomorrow (TFFT), and I am asking for your support.
My history and focus: I have been running marathons for the last 20 years. I’ve run for fun, to compete, to push my limits, to travel…and other wonderful personal reasons. My own needs and interests have unashamedly motivated me. Here is where my shift is… In the last year I have been reminded of my limitations: knee surgery and prolonged recovery, a very real cancer scare, wondering if I was still capable of running, and the report from my orthopedic surgeon that knee replacements are on my horizon. I’ve gotten perspective of my life on a timeline. I am in the twilight years of running, so to speak. I have lots of energy and motivation, but limited miles left in my beloved running legs. I want to use the last marathons in me for something more than just me.
I want to tell you about Tanzania and about TFFT in a somewhat concise way, and I want to invite you to partner with me if you feel moved to support what I am doing.
Tanzania is a beautiful, populous country on the east coast of Africa. It is known for its stunning wildlife, the Serengeti, Mount Kilimanjaro, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, and the rich cultural diversity of over 120 ethnic groups. Despite sustained economic growth and persistent decline in poverty, in 2024, 26 million people in Tanzania live in extreme poverty.
With 45% of its population under the age of fifteen, Tanzania is a young country, hungry for learning opportunities. Inequitable access to schooling and quality education is a massive barrier for children in Tanzania, limiting children’s prospects. Fifty-eight percent of Tanzanian youth graduate primary school and only about 29% continue to secondary school. Primary school-aged children from the poorest families are three times less likely to attend school than those from the wealthiest households. Unemployment rates are also high. Of the 800,000 graduates annually entering the Tanzanian labor market, there are only 40,000 jobs waiting to be filled.
TFFT began in 2006 as a scholarship program for 4-year-old triplets and has since grown to support over 160 orphan and vulnerable children with access to quality schooling.
Now in its 18th year, the foundation is the brainchild of Charlotte native, Meghann Gunderman Sehorn, who recognized an estimated two million children between the ages of 7 and 13 years are out-of-school in Tanzania.
TFFT believes the most impactful way to invest in this generation is by harnessing the power of education. Along with covering school fees, TFFT supports their scholars by providing basic school needs, medical insurance for every scholar, psychosocial support through individualized developmental guidance and counseling, and mentorship and career coaching. This video shows why this initiative matters to me and how it truly makes a difference, one child at a time. You can find more information about TFFT at http://www.thefoundationfortomorrow.org/
My race trip in February, will include activities with the scholars and alumni at the TFFT Learning Centre, visits to current scholars at their schools so we can see their education in action, and visits to the homes of some of their scholars so we can see the communities we are helping to uplift. All raised funds go directly to TFFT to help support their holistic services including access to quality schooling, health and psychosocial support, and life skills programs. Your investment will help transform children today, and communities for tomorrow.
My support of Team TFFT includes committing to raise a minimum of $5,000 toward this cause.
As I head to Africa mid-February, I would appreciate your prayers for continuing success of this incredible foundation, safety of the team during this trip, and a healthy run. As you are making decisions towards charitable giving for 2025, I am hoping you will consider my request for support The Foundation for Tomorrow, and me as I run for them and the scholars they support. Every dollar counts, and no contribution is too small.
I will update my Facebook and Instagram pages regularly so that you can journey and experience this with me!
Thank you very much for considering a gift, your prayers, and supporting me in this challenge.