For four decades, the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle has catapulted Chicago from a season of hibernation to a season of movement. Together, we have created one of the city’s most festive and fun running traditions, and I hope you will continue the legacy of the Shuffle by joining me on Sunday, March 24.
Last year, after a 30-year break from running the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle, I laced up my shoes to raise more than $20,000 for the American Cancer Society. This year I hope to celebrate 40 years of Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle history by raising money for four local charities with a focus on youth initiatives, Mercy Home for Boys & Girls, After School Matters, Special Olympics Chicago and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
I hope you will join me and help support the important work that is being done by these great organizations. Let’s make this the best Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle yet by using our soles to make the world a better place.