I decided to run the New York City Marathon to make a statement.
A statement for you – for our communities all around the world!
I would like to share with you that it’s NOT easy at all.
Besides the physical obstacles, much harder are the mental ones.
After around 10km my inner voice wanted me to stop. To rest. To quit.
To overcome this voice and continue to go on, I CONNECTED WITH YOU.
I thought of each friend of mine, of each child that is born into the world.
The stories we share around birth, around being a woman, around the extreme circumstances we have to go through, whether we have a child or not.
Every Mother Counts is a non-profit organization dedicated to achieving quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care for every mother, everywhere. Through the work of Every Mother Counts, I learned hundreds of thousands of women die during pregnancy and childbirth each year. That's 800 women every day and up to 98 percent of these deaths are preventable if we make it a priority.
Please support me!
I cannot do it alone. This is a collective approach.
By donating any amount that is possible for you, you help me succeed in our common goal!
Thank you🙏🏻
Your friend and sister in heart,