Aubrey's Fundraising Page
$285.00 raised
$405.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Aubrey's Fundraising Page
In memory of Angela Laufenberg-McGee, I am joining forces with other Track Shack ladies to raise funds for the AdventHealth Breast Cancer Care Fund, which provides free breast imaging diagnostic exams and cancer treatment to women in need. Every $135 raised provides a mammogram for an uninsured or underserved woman in Central Florida. Early detection is key. Help us save a life! My goal this year is to fund 3 mammograms.
  • Elizabeth Hook-Rogers made a $25.00 donation


  • Sheila Holmes made a $50.00 donation

    May you and many others live on and enjoy a life that is cancer free!

  • In memory of Martha Minahan made a $25.00 donation
  • In memory of Angela Laufenberg-McGee made a $50.00 donation
  • In memory of Angela Laufenberg McGee made a $135.00 donation

    In memory of your Mom and my Wife.

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