A MESSAGE FROM David's Fundraising Page
Hello Supporters!
Thank you for taking the time to come to my page and learn more about the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation. This will be my FIRST ever marathon and I am I am truly honored to be able to represent such an amazing organization on one of the best days of the year in New York City.
A little bit about Glen:
Glen "Bub" Doherty grew up in Winchester, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. He was an adventurous and incredibly active person, spending much of his time skiing, white water rafting, and training for triathlons. His competitiveness and drive to change the world for the better pushed him to the Navy, where he enlisted in 1995 and attended Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) training. Upon completion of SEAL training in 1998, Glen was assigned to SEAL Team THREE and completed multiple combat deployments to the Middle East. He was deployed following the USS Cole attack in 2000, as well as during Operation Iraqi Freedom in conjunction with the Global War On Terror. Glen eventually left the Navy in 2005 and became a contractor for the government, where he would continue to serve in the Middle East. Unfortunately, 11 years + 1 day after the September 11th attacks, Glen tragically lost his life alongside 3 other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Glen fought valiantly alongside other former U.S. Special Operators to ultimately help save the lives of 32 Americans working in Benghazi.
A little bit about the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation:
The Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation was established to help ease the transition from military to civilian work for the Special Operations Community. The organization provides scholarships to current or former Special Operations Professionals, from all branches of the military, for traditional education or vocational/professional training. The foundation has awarded scholarships to 117 deserving individuals, totaling nearly $900,000 to date! Check out these remarkable and deserving individuals: https://www.glendohertyfoundation.org/gdmf-scholarsA little bit about me:
Despite training for a marathon, I do not have much of a background in running. Growing up in the pool, I always preferred swimming rather than running to get my workout in. After college swimming and moving to NYC, I wanted to find new ways to challenge myself both physically and mentally. Whether that was cycling 60 miles from NYC to Peekskill, running the NYC Half Marathon, completing a Half Marathon Spartan Race up a ski mountain, or doing a "Murph" during Memorial Day, I have always been looking for the next challenge. For many people, one of their bucket list fitness goals is to complete a marathon, and there aren't many marathons around the world like the NYC Marathon. I have been very fortunate to experience one of the best days in NYC as a spectator, but am super excited to do it as a competitor!
Thank you again for taking the time to visit my page, encouraging me as I train for a new physical challenge, and most importantly supporting the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation.
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