Jennifer's Journey for Allied Services - NYC Marathon Chapter 4
Only 104 days remaining to help Jennifer's Journey for Allied Services - NYC Marathon Chapter 4 reach her fundraising goal
$4,380.00 raised
$3,500.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Jennifer's Journey for Allied Services - NYC Marathon Chapter 4
In the midst of my third NYC Marathon with Team Allied Services, I told myself I would never do it again. I was undertrained and fighting bronchitis, and it was a very long and hard day. Then I took some time to process and got over it. Because for many Allied Services patients, every day is a hard day.

Each year, Allied Service's mission draws me back in, because it's bigger than myself. It's about kids in need of services who benefit from the best technology and resources they can get in our area. If my hard day makes a difference for just one child, it will have been worth it.

Any donation is appreciated, and none is too small. If you can contribute $35 or more, you'll get an official team shirt. If you contribute $50, I'll dedicate the mile of your choice (1-26) to you or a loved one. If you contribute $100, I'll dedicate one of the five bridges I'll cross, or a NYC landmark. And please send me your favorite song for a playlist and follow my journey to the finish line. Read more about Allied Services mission:

Will you pledge your support for pediatrics?  Allied Services cares for 1,200 children each year. We provide physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy treatments for various conditions, including autism, brain injury, cerebral palsy, complex regional pain syndrome, developmental delay, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and torticollis. 100% of donations will support specialized rehab services for children at Allied Services, a non-profit health system serving Northeast and Central Pennsylvania. Your support will: ·     Sustain specialized rehab programs for children with disabilities in the Wyoming Valley.·     Make cutting-edge rehab technologies available to children with disabilities.·     Provide access to care for underinsured and uninsured children with disabilities. For every $35 donation, you can receive an official moisture-wicking team shirt. 
  • Carol Ducharme made a $50.00 donation
  • Audra Hughes made a $100.00 donation
  • Dan Haddle made a $50.00 donation

    Good Luck Jenn!

  • Mohegan Pennsylvania made a $3,500.00 donation
  • Gerald Stofko made a $35.00 donation
  • Wayne Hadley made a $50.00 donation

    Jennifer, we are all so proud of you, run Jenn run!

  • Marie Mancini made a $50.00 donation
  • Tas Run made a $25.00 donation
  • Tas Run made a $25.00 donation
  • Nancy McCoy made a $100.00 donation

    Jenn, I continue to be amazed at how far you’ve come and how much you do to help this wonderful cause. You know I’ll be watching along and sending all the love and good vibes your way always. You got this!!

  • Erica Hunt made a $100.00 donation

    always inspired by you but especially your dedication to this cause. keep crushing it !

  • Tamara Nelson made a $100.00 donation

    I’ll be cheering you on from Orlando, because as much as we both dislike running? I’m only half as crazy as you…

  • Werner Christensen made a $50.00 donation

    I’m so proud of the work you do for Team Allied Services and proud to call you friend - go get em, Jenny D❤️

  • Paula Tycienski- Russo made a $50.00 donation

    Good luck Jen!

  • Liz and Pamela Lipski made a $60.00 donation
  • Mary Jane Jurish made a $35.00 donation
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