A MESSAGE FROM Will's Fundraising Page
After running the Honolulu Marathon in 2008, I swore I would never run another marathon again. But here I am running another marathon -- and this time it's for an important cause. I am raising money to support the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), a nonprofit dedicated to supporting AAPI representation in journalism.
AAJA is one of the first places that helped me develop my journalistic skills when I started in this industry. When I was doing investigations for my newsroom, I participated in a data reporting workshop, where I learned the ins and outs of formulas, and spreadsheets and how to uncover difficult-to-find information.
This year, AAJA is also helping me and a dozen other mid-level AAPI executives level up our leadership skills in its hybrid virtual and in-person executive leadership training program.
AAJA supports journalists at every step of their careers. It offers mentorships and training programs for high school to college students. It also provides networking and leadership opportunities to seasoned industry professionals and guidance to the media to ensure accurate coverage of the AAPI community.
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