Hi friends, family and strangers, I am running the NYC marathon for the Asian American Journalists Association.
“I am not running material”.
That’s always been how I thought of myself. But ever since last year, a stubborn and out-of-nowhere desire to run a marathon entered my mind, I started training and ran the first half-marathon in my life. I’m so grateful for that decision because it started me on my running journey and brought me into contact with two amazing communities: my own run club, Time To Run Club, and the Asian American Journalist Association.
As an aspiring journalist with a multi-cultural background who has worked in two of America’s top newsrooms: CNBC and Fox News, I’ve come to realize the vital need for increased attention and discourse on the experiences and perspectives of Asian Americans. Their stories, their struggles, and their triumphs deserve to be woven into the fabric of our nation's newsrooms, as they enrich the tapestry of our collective narrative.
So today, I am encouraging you to stand with me to raise funds for the Asian American Journalist Association but also to ignite a flame of change that will illuminate the path towards a more inclusive media landscape. All of the funds raised will go directly towards to: AAJA’s New York chapter.
It will be used to sponsor high school journalism contests, create scholarships and provide other career development opportunities for minority journalists like me!
By helping me reach my goal of $5,000, you’ll be including yourself among those who believe in the power of storytelling and the strength of a united community. Together, let's make this marathon a testament to the power of representation, a catalyst for change, and a celebration of the beautiful diversity!