Anonymous made a $250.00 donation$250.00
Taylors Construction LLC made a $100.00 donation
We Hope This Helps You For This Wonderful Cause! God Bless You & Keep Helping Others! Auntie Reneé & Uncle Melvin
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Lisa Prince made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Keisha Thomas-Battle made a $100.00 donation
$100.00 -
Michelle Lockett made a $50.00 donation
I love the fact that you all are taking the time to help empower women everyday! May God bless you all!
$50.00 -
Tamika Smith made a $100.00 donation
Please use the donation where it is most needed.
$100.00 -
Anthony Byrd made a $100.00 donation
Good luck to the Dress for Success.
$100.00 -
Sherry Mack made a $30.00 donation
thank you for giving us the opportunity to help!❤️
$30.00 -
Danyelle Solomon made a $100.00 donation
Keli, thanks for doing this great work!
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Kendra Frazier, Md made a $100.00 donation
You continue to amaze me with all of the great work you do. Continue to shine bright sis! 🤩
$100.00 -
Paula Keyes made a $20.00 donation
Hope this helps you reach your goal.
$20.00 -
Maline Williams made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Wei-Li Chong made a $100.00 donation
Go Keli!!
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Christina Tarr made a $50.00 donation
Dear Keli, Thanks for hosting such a worthwhile fundraiser. I’m happy to contribute to such a worthy cause. Christina
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Patricia Hurston made a $250.00 donation$250.00
Neva Smith made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Opal Williams made a $20.00 donation
Good luck cousin!
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Manuel Brown made a $30.00 donation$30.00
Kayla Rougeau made a $50.00 donation
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Derrick Massey made a $30.00 donation
Great cause
$30.00 -
Betsy Barnich made a $30.00 donation$30.00
Paula Brown made a $30.00 donation
great organization… good luck!
$30.00 -
Anonymous made a $250.00 donation$250.00
I Donated made a $25.00 donation$25.00