My running story began when I was in law school and my dad gave me my first pair of real running sneakers. I felt like I was the wind, but as it turns out, I was not. Notwithstanding my "turtle" pace, I found running to be therapeutic and continued to run on a regular basis, although only short distances and never in organized events. My brother, Dan, had been a distance runner for some time, and after my husband, Graham, and I moved to California, Dan convinced Graham to run a half marathon. I, too, wanted to participate, so I ran the 5k. In 2016, I finally got the courage up to run a half marathon and I loved it! Since then, I have run numerous races in the U.S and other countries. I had been toying with the idea of running a marathon, but kept talking myself out of it. Then, one day, I asked myself if when I was ninety would I look back and regret never having tried to run a marathon. The answer was unequivocally "yes." That brings us to the present. I ran my first marathon in November 2023. Always supportive, Dan ran with me and Graham took me for a massage afterward. Now, I have been given the opportunity to run one of the greatest marathons in the country. I will be toward the end of the pack, but I intend to finish. I want to thank my family and friends for all of their support and encouragement!
I will be running in support of the GLEN DOHERTY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION (Foundation). Glen was a patriot and a resident of Encinitas. He was a former Navy Seal and was one of four Americans killed during the 2012 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The Foundation was established in his memory. The goal of the Foundation is to help ease the transition from military to civilian work for the Special Operations Community. This is accomplished by providing scholarships to current or former Special Operations Professionals, from all branches of the military, for traditional education or vocational/professional training. To date, the Foundation has awarded scholarships to 117 deserving individuals, totaling over $875,000. Donating to the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation is a great way to give back to the Special Operations Community, who give so much of themselves for our nation and for all of us. Thank you for considering a donation to the scholarship fund!
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