Eddie's Fundraising Page
$155.00 raised
$125.00 goal
Wishes make life better for kids with life-threatening medical conditions. This simple, but powerful belief drives Make-A-Wish®. Support my team and me as we run for 24 hours on a treadmill. Our fundraising goal is $1000. Please donate what you can. 100% of proceeds are benefiting Make-A-Wish Southern Florida.
  • Eddie Obregon made a $25.00 donation
  • Anonymous made a $20.00 donation

    Go Eddie Go!

  • Kristy Yount made a $10.00 donation
  • Maria-Leonor Lovo made a $25.00 donation

    Run Eddie Run! Love, Mari, Francine and Cooper 😊

  • Eddie Suarez made a $25.00 donation


  • Janette Trasobares made a $25.00 donation
  • Tami R Segal made a $25.00 donation

    Run Eddie Run!

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