A MESSAGE FROM Running for MP // Team T.E.A.L.
Hello Friends!
This coming March, I will be running the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon with team T.E.A.L.
T.E.A.L. (Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation) is a non-profit organization actively working to spread awareness and education for ovarian cancer, advance medical research for the disease, as well as provide support for patients, survivors, and all who are impacted by it.
This past September, my mom, Mary Pat Mulholland, passed away after a hard-fought 8 year battle with ovarian cancer. Known to many as “MP”, my mom was the kindest, strongest, and most loving woman I’ve ever known. I am incredibly proud to be running this race in her honor while supporting T.E.A.L.’s mission.
Please help me to reach my fundraising goal for Team T.E.A.L. in order to further their mission, support those who are fighting this deadly disease, and ultimately find a cure. Any contribution you can make will help to make an impact. Thank you all for your support and generosity, and don’t forget: TELL EVERY AMAZING LADY!!!
See the link below to learn more about T.E.A.L., their efforts, and ovarian cancer:
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