Theresa's Fundraising Page
$5,686.05 raised
$5,000.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Theresa's Fundraising Page

Let's get this party started!!  I am so excited to be raising money on behalf of Bras for Girls!  I have a goal of competing all 6 Major Marathons and New York will be my 4th. As most of you know, my Olympic Trials journey came to an end before it even started due to injury, and I am eager to get back out on the roads! I have dreamed of running the NYC Marathon since I started racing marathons 14 years ago. This will be my 15th marathon and I could not think of a better way to celebrate than by running for a cause that means so much to me. 


A little about me:

I grew up in a very big family and I am the youngest of 8 children (6 boys, 2 girls). I experienced organized sports for the first time my Freshman year of high school.  Through running, I instantly discovered a life-altering passion that I never dreamed would exist for me.  As I continued on through high school and college, running grew with me and shaped me into the person I am today. It gave me structure and confidence, and taught me how to be vulnerable and brave. I often look back at how life could have and would have been different had I not stuck with running, and how having the proper clothing, shoes, and bras played a crucial role in me staying in the sport. 

Thank you so much for considering supporting my cause!



+ Youth sports are very important and beneficial.

+ Nationally, only 20% of girls engage in at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity, a lower rate than boys. Girls’ participation drops off significantly from ages 10-17. 

+ Identified barriers include lack of financial means, lack of role models, and concerns about body changes including breast development and the need for a sports bra. 

+ The simple intervention of a sports bra along with the normalization of body development can change the trajectory of a girl’s relationship with body movement for her whole life.



Bras for Girls donates new, high quality sports bras and breast development education booklets to girls in need, ages 8-18. Recipient programs include sports teams, school programs, community programs, and other initiatives that elevate girls’ access to sports.


Since its inception in 2017, Bras for Girls has donated over 78,000 new, high quality sports bra to sports teams, school programs, and community programs for girls between the ages of 8-18. Additionally, they provide breast development education booklets and resources. 

Your donation will go towards covering warehouse costs, bra and booklet shipping and purchasing needed bra inventory beyond what is already donated by brands. Specifically, your donation will provide:

$50 - 3 sports bras 
$100 - 7 sports bras 
$250 - 17 sports bras 
$500 - 33 sports bras 
$1,000 - 67 sports bras 
$2,500 - 167 sports bras 
$5,000 - 333 sports bras 
$10,000 - 667 sports bras



Oiselle founded the Bras for Girls program in 2017 through a confluence of ideas, needs, and product circumstances. In 2016, the Portsmouth University “Bra Lab” in the UK published a comprehensive schoolgirl survey that reported:


+ 46% of girls reported their breasts affected their sports and exercise participation.

+ More than 50% of girls did not wear a sports bra with exercise.

+ 87% of girls wanted to know more about breast development.

+ 44% wanted to know more about sports bras and breasts in sport.

+ “I can’t find the right sports bra” and “I am embarrassed by excessive breast movement” were identified barriers.

+ 73% of girls reported at least one breast-specific concern in relation to sports and exercise


At this same time, Oiselle happened to have extra bra inventory available for donation; the leadership team put two and two together, and kicked off the Bras for Girls donation program in spring of 2017. The first program with Runners for a Better Oakland confirmed that girls + sports bras + education = a winning formula.


As the Bras for Girls requests multiplied, it became apparent that this program was bigger than one company. Requests grew every year, and the needs were becoming more evident. In 2021, Bras for Girls spun off to its own 501c3 non-profit and received its IRS determination letter in February of 2022. 



+ It’s easy for programs to request bras. Once the request is approved, as long as there is sufficient inventory, bras and booklets are shipped out! 

+ Bra inventory is donated by quality athletic apparel brands, including our founding partner, Oiselle, Reebok, Brooks, and many others. Additional needed bra inventory may be purchased at cost by Bras for Girls. 

+ Bras for Girls looks to support and work with organizations already positively impacting  communities. It takes a village and we’re happy to be a part of the girls’ sports ecosystem.


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  • Katrina Hailey made a $100.00 donation
  • Christopher Hailey made a $100.00 donation
  • Patrick Hailey made a $50.00 donation

    Run fast Weaz!!

  • Julia Hailey made a $50.00 donation
  • James Hailey made a $100.00 donation

    You're a continuing inspiration Theresa!

  • Rose Echard made a $100.00 donation

    Have the most fun this weekend!

  • Fiona Moriarty made a $50.00 donation

    Woop woop! Let's go T!!!

  • Rikke Bonde made a $30.00 donation

    Go get it girl🔥

  • Yoga Fundraiser Part 2! made a $410.00 donation

    Braa for girls yoga fundraiser #2. Space donated by The People’s Yoga.

  • Lauren Ross made a $50.00 donation

    Goooo T! We love you and are so proud of the perseverance you’ve shown with this long comeback. It sure hasn’t been easy. Savor every step!

  • Match Gifts made a $550.00 donation
  • Todd Moore made a $20.00 donation
  • Aimee Glenn made a $100.00 donation

    Love seeing you champion this cause!

  • Taylor Eckel made a $25.00 donation
  • Sarah Ting made a $40.00 donation

    Can’t wait for you to have so much fun in NYC!

  • Vita Coco made a $500.00 donation
  • Anonymous Gift made a $1,000.00 donation
  • Janet Encarnacion made a $50.00 donation
  • Christine Reynolds made a $100.00 donation

    cheering for you, Theresa!! get after it. you’re doing great!

  • Chris Imhoff made a $100.00 donation

    goo luck on this good cause Theresa. 💚 Chris and Ann

  • Thomas Heavey made a $250.00 donation
  • Gabby Lilly made a $100.00 donation

    Hoping you have the most fun!!

  • YOGA for a Good Cause made a $925.00 donation

    thankful for all of you who participated in our yoga for a good cause event!

  • Ryan Misjan made a $40.00 donation

    Go gett’em Theresa!!

  • Smiles on Sandy Dentistry made a $100.00 donation

    Hi Theresa, What a great cause you are working for. I have two young daughters and hope they can enjoy running and fitness as much as I do. Although I certainly am no where near your level! Very impressive! Good luck in NYC. What an achievement!

  • Madeline Devereaux made a $250.00 donation

    Happy to support you and your cause!!

  • Carrie Mack made a $25.00 donation

    cheering for you, always!

  • Cate Barrett made a $50.00 donation
  • Apparel Referrals August made a $11.05 donation
  • Shannon Colley made a $75.00 donation
  • Laura Taylor made a $10.00 donation
  • Shannon Colley made a $25.00 donation

    Go Theresa, you are awesome in all you do!

  • Lyndy Davis made a $50.00 donation

    In honor of Lesko @ the USA Olympic track trials!

  • Lauren Fowler made a $50.00 donation

    Can’t wait to watch you fly!

  • Martyne Reesman made a $50.00 donation

    you’re amazing, go to NYC and kick some ass!

  • Ray Sharp made a $50.00 donation

    Best wishes for a healthy marathon build!

  • Anastasia Russell made a $100.00 donation
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