A MESSAGE FROM Allison's Fundraising Page
I started running with one goal in mind, to represent Ovarian Cancer. After not receiving a bib for the NYC Half Marathon on my own terms I began looking at the charities listed. T.E.A.L.’s logo was staring at me, and I knew it was a sign that “here’s my chance.”
I will be running for a friend that lost her battle to ovarian cancer in August '21 and her family. Brittany Kelly was well known in the golf community here in Indiana and around the U.S. She set and achieved goals like no one I’ve ever known. Even to this day, as I read articles about her, it’s incredible to see how many people her story touched even though they never got a chance to physically meet her.
Running has never been in my blood. When you lose someone, especially an athlete like Brit, I knew I had to find something out there that could be "my golf." I guess what I love most about running is maybe what Brittany loved most about golf, it’s about the game and the people you meet along the way. Pushing yourself, individually speaking, to reach that next opportunity or goal. Setting out on the golf course, or in my case road, and leaving every ounce of who you are out there. Be a fierce, yet graceful, competitor just like B. Encourage those around me and beyond, to set out and just try it. Whatever it is you want to begin, to know that it’s a journey and not a sprint. I’m not running to be the best runner, I’m running to be the best form of me I can be.
In closing, I just want to “thank you” for reading my story.
I’m grateful I can do this for B, her family, and for all of you who are impacted by Ovarian Cancer. B didn’t just golf for herself, she golfed so she could teach and inspire. I’ll do my best to achieve that same goal with running.
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