Jeff.. The best part of running the marathon is when you turn into CP at the end of the race. I loved running it! 4rs 15 minutes in 1990. Enjoy!
Go Jeff!!! Excited for you!! The Ratners
Hope to see you after the race!
Way to go, Jeff!
Enjoy the journey from Staten Island to Central Park, Jeff. Thanks for supporting Atlanta Track Club's Kilometer Kids.
Hope you have a great run for a great cause!
Run like the wind! I will be out cheering you on.
go get ‘em Jeff! so proud of you
Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong. All the best!!!
Go get 'em!
Great Cause!
This is awesome, Jeff!
Love this. Enjoy the experience!
good luck
Congrats on beating your goal, and good luck these last 5.5 weeks -- few more long runs & taper and then time for the fun NY weekend! Took me an extra day as this was easier to do on my laptop than phone.
Good luck Jeff! - Debbie
Congrats on the achievement and support of a great program! Good luck!
Hi Jeff, Good luck for your Marathon.
Thank you for running to support Kilometer Kids, Jeff. Honored to have you represent the Club on the streets of NYC.
Congrats on achieving your $4k goal already!
Go Jeff! keep inspiring others and doing Business, Outside! 👏👏👏
Good luck!!
Go get 'em, Jeff!! I see that you already hit your goal... time to over-subscribe!!
good luck Jeff
Good luck with the run!
Good luck, Jeff!
friend of Maidas
Look forward to hearing about your journey over a bagel!
Hey Jeff, just wanted to drop you a quick message to say congratulations on running the NYC Marathon .You should be proud of your incredible achievement. Keep up the amazing work!
Run well!
Hi Jeff - Looking forward to being part of this experience! Lets chat at some point about your training plan and day of plan. Hoping this coming year goes better than last year for me.
Tried to get 180 + 26.2... but the donation system doesn't allow for decimals! Good luck, Jeff. We'll be rooting you on. Kol Hakvod! - The Cohn Family
go jeff!
Best of luck!
Good luck Jeff!
Have a good run Jeff. We like the mission of this Atlanta Track Club charity to teach kids about the benefits of running and staying in shape. Mom and Dad
Bridge by bridge! Sending you good wishes for strong training, swift feet, and joyful miles!
Great race and great cause! You got this!!!
Run Forrest Run!
congratulations Jeff! so excited for you!!
Fantastic stuff Jeff! Amazing stuff from an amazing guy for an amazing organization!
for the kids :)
You go boy
Good luck with the race!
Congrats on running in the NYC marathon! I know you will do awesome. Getting kids off their phones and out running sounds like a great cause to me… -Chris
Go Jeff……this is amazing!
Get it JP!
Go Jeff Go!
Good luck - you’ll kill it! 💪🏼 Dharmesh & Urvi
Fantastic!! You are so awesome!!!
Thanks for being awesome.
Have an amazing experience Jeff!
way to go Jeff
Good luck… hope it’s a great race.
go Jeff!!
The Golds will be cheering you on!
Jeff I've run NYC.. It's AMAZING.. take it all in, go slow and savor the crowds. Best DD
good luck, Jeff! we’ll be rooting for you!
Gook luck training You got this!