Lauren's Kilimanjaro, Boston and Berlin Fundraising Page
Only 158 days remaining to help Lauren's Kilimanjaro, Boston and Berlin Fundraising Page reach her fundraising goal
$2,535.00 raised
$10,000.00 goal
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Boston Marathon Raffle Winner
Congratulations Clare Spillane!
Added on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 01:49 PM
Kilimanjaro Half Marathon Raffle Winner
Congratulations Lydia Lambert!
Added on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 01:51 PM
A MESSAGE FROM Lauren's Kilimanjaro, Boston and Berlin Fundraising Page
I first became involved with the non-profit The Foundation for Tomorrow (TFFT) in 2019, hosting a pop-up event at my studio. I didn’t know much about the organization at that time other than it was helping kids, but the more I got involved the more I realized it focused on a specific challenge in Tanzania. TFFT’s mission is to secure quality education and emotional support for orphan and vulnerable children so that they may reach their full potential and thrive in their communities.

With 45% of its citizens under 15 years old, Tanzania has one of the world's youngest populations. 5.1 million children in Tanzania aged 7 – 17 are out of school, only 28% of Tanzanian adolescents complete secondary school, and a stark 1% of Tanzanians enroll in higher education. Realizing that a child’s geographic location should not be the determinant of educational opportunities in life, I became more involved, first running with Team TFFT, then helping with events, and finally by becoming a board member.

This remarkable organization supports the education of orphaned and vulnerable youth in Tanzania and has a learning center (the first of its kind in this area of Africa) for the Arusha community. All of this has been built by friends and family, like you, and has led to us being able to watch program alumni succeeding in their communities and truly making a difference!

This year, I’m running three (THREE!) separate races with Team TFFT. You know I love making miles count but this year I’d like to use both my art and my running to hopefully take my fundraising to a new level! I’m going to sell raffle tickets three times this year, one for each race. If you’re the lucky winner, you’ll have your choice of a 30x40 abstract, a deconstructed floral, or a still life, with a value of $1800. I hope you’ll participate!

- $25 = 1 entry
- $50 = 2 entries
- $100 = 5 entries
- $250 = 15 entries
- $500 = 35 entries
- $1,000 = 75 entries

- Kili Half Marathon Winner: Lydia Lambert

- Boston Marathon raffle closes on Monday, April 15th at 11:59pm EST / Drawing will take place on Tuesday, April 16th at 12:00pm EST

- Berlin Marathon raffle closes on Sunday, September 29th at 11:59pm EST / Drawing will take place on Monday, September 30th at 12:00pm EST

*Each raffle is its own event with three paintings to choose from so the pot of entries will be cleared out after each drawing.

To shine a little perspective on how far your money goes, $50 Provides a pair of school shoes & sports shoes for one scholar,  $100 Provides textbooks for one scholar,
$250 Provides nutritional support for two of our HIV+ scholars,  $500 Provides training to 23 guardians of our scholars,  $1000 Provides comprehensive Teacher Training for 12 teachers.

Any donation is appreciated! For all donations, TFFT will provide a tax receipt.
Photos & Videos
203e5d1ddd120cd862a1e75ac4c910a009461b77 24053c20a2dfda8d71ef01a2f3285bb9bd31a928 13226617e20f153171fb7e8a57f212533fa4f807
  • Anonymous made a $100.00 donation
  • Jennifer Jones made a $25.00 donation
  • Chelsea Guzman made a $50.00 donation
  • Candice Donley made a $100.00 donation

    So proud to be in the TFFT family with you!

  • Clare Spillane made a $50.00 donation
  • Tara Hughes made a $100.00 donation

    So pumped for you!!!! have a blast! xo

  • Caroline Cabana made a $100.00 donation

    Go Lauren!!

  • Mary Anna Marley made a $25.00 donation

    What a great idea!! Best of luck in the race. 🩷

  • Team Elevated made a $200.00 donation
  • Anonymous made a $110.00 donation
  • Lydia Lambert made a $25.00 donation


  • Heather Wolff made a $25.00 donation
  • Jennifer Jones made a $50.00 donation

    couldn’t be prouder of you if I tried! you are changing the world!

  • Anonymous made a $100.00 donation
  • Samantha Filcik made a $25.00 donation
  • Chelsea Guzman made a $50.00 donation

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Page and Tim Walter made a $100.00 donation

    you go girl!

  • Alyssia Leggett made a $100.00 donation

    Love what you are doing…so inspirational!

  • Anonymous made a $100.00 donation
  • Kristina Clark made a $250.00 donation

    Cheers love!!! what a wonderful cause! Run fast…run safe….run with that gorgeous smile on your face….xoxox love, krick and sue

  • Tara Hughes made a $100.00 donation

    best idea!!!!

  • Brooke Lowry made a $50.00 donation
  • Amanda Anderson made a $50.00 donation

    So proud of you, Lauren!

  • Kerrie Clark made a $50.00 donation
  • Henri and Susan Bianucci made a $300.00 donation

    Way to go Lauren!

  • Robert Yetter made a $250.00 donation
  • Hamish Roberts made a $50.00 donation
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