Lia's Fundraising Page - NYC Marathon
Only 125 days remaining to help Lia's Fundraising Page - NYC Marathon reach the fundraising goal
$400.00 raised
$3,500.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Lia's Fundraising Page - NYC Marathon
Now, more than ever, RESOLVE needs your support to keep IVF legal and available across the country. This isn't just a legal battle; it's a battle for the very essence of hope and the right to build a family. Your donation will help RESOLVE build a stronger community for people facing infertility, as I once did. Your donation will help support programs that increase access to medical care and family building options for all who need them.  Donating through this website is simple, fast and secure. It is also the most efficient way to support me in my participation in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon which I'm running (well...mostly walking) in honor of Christopher & Avellina. Thank you! xo, Lia Many thanks for your support -- and don't forget to forward this to anyone who you think might want to donate too! 
  • Karen Grinthal made a $50.00 donation

    Lea, you are inspirational!

  • In memory of james cernigliaro made a $100.00 donation

    You are truly an amazing person! I know of no-one, who has endured so much and contributes so much to the well-being and concern for others. You are a constant inspiration and strength for all who know you. Your success in this endeavor will result in the miracle of birth and the joy of family for all who need and want it.

  • Cecilia Torres made a $50.00 donation

    Gooooooo Buffa!!! YOU ARE MY HERO (and you will rock this marathon and this cause like your rock everything you do!)

  • Elizabeth Wildman made a $50.00 donation

    🌺 ❤️💥

  • Mary Lancaster made a $50.00 donation

    Love seeing your support of this important work. My sister went through IVF twice unsuccessfully. Good Luck with the marathon 😊

  • Matt and Sarah Castellan made a $100.00 donation

    Run, Lia, run!!

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