On May 18, 2019 I will join the entire organization and thousands of others from the community to ride, run or walk in the Eagles Autism Challenge. This event is dedicated to raising funds for innovative research and programs to address the complex issues presented by the condition of autism. By providing the necessary resources to thought leaders, we can advance scientific breakthroughs. All participant-raised funds, 100 %, will go directly towards autism research and/or programs at beneficiary partners, as together we shift from autism awareness to action. I hope you will consider making a donation towards my fundraising goal to help transform the lives of those affected by autism today and tomorrow.
This cause is so special to me. Many people with autism hold a special place in my heart and I consider them to be more than athletes of mine. They are life-long friends and partners in the cause to seek awareness, action, and inclusivity. Consider joining my team to help me reach my goal or race me to the finish line! Thank you!!
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