A MESSAGE FROM Running to the Aftertimes...
Hello Friends and Family,
Please join me in helping the Red Door Community expand the community. Help more people find joy in life despite immensely challenging times...
We have all been through so much life over the last 2 years. The 50th New York City Marathon was supposed to be in 2020 and canceled, paused like most things in the world. Yet life did not pause. And neither did cancer. While we all dealt with the virus sweeping the globe, many people continued to live with cancer, managing this scourge while being more vulnerable to the effects of this coronavirus.
Helping people find joy in life - while dealing with both cancer and COVID - makes Gilda's Club more important than ever. To do this, like many organizations, Gilda's went virtual. Guess what happened? They THRIVED with a whole new way to reach even more people. During these past 2 years, Gilda's Club adapted and grew. As we all look to the aftertimes and who we are today, Gilda's Club becomes the Red Door Community - recognizing the expanded community reachable through both physical and virtual connection.
To remember why I run for the Red Door Community (Gilda's Club), for my Mom, and why I run these marathons at all...
Travel back 10 years to explore runpeglegrun.com...
And in 2014...runpeterrobertrun.com!
From the Red Door Community:
COVID-19 changed the landscape for cancer patients-heightened anxiety, interrupted treatments, increased isolation & financial insecurity. Red Door Community responded to these needs by offering their program virtually, increasing individual counseling sessions +120%, online support groups +7%, healthy lifestyle workshops +60%, educational lectures +30%. All this FREE of charge to members.
Deepest gratitude helping me help others directly in meaningful ways. Every contribution supports a person touched by cancer. The door is open to all of us - and with our help everyone can walk in.