Rami Raises money for Survivors via Brooklyn Half Marathon!
$880.00 raised
$1,000.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Rami Raises money for Survivors via Brooklyn Half Marathon!
Hi! Its Rami (aka Kosha Dillz)...Rami Is my real name) is running the NYCRuns Brooklyn Half Marathon Sunday, April 23, 2023, for Yom HaShoah - the day to commemorate the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Thousands are still alive and living in poverty. Support Rami's campaign to help those Holocaust survivors in need! It has been a huge joy to do this for the NYC marathon so lets use this time to keep it in Brooklyn and give to our heroes that are in need TODAY! Any share, like, comment, dollar or two dollar bill will help! @ramivintage @koshadillz text 732-335-7573 come support me in the run if ya can!!
  • Anonymous made a $18.00 donation
  • In memory of Adele Lerner made a $100.00 donation

    In memory of my Mother, Adele Lerner, a Holocaust survivor.

  • In memory of my Zayda Larry made a $54.00 donation
  • Anonymous made a $18.00 donation
  • Leslie Funk made a $50.00 donation

    Mazel tov on your race! Thanks for all the great work you do just by being you :)

  • In memory of John Stern made a $25.00 donation

    in memory of my father John Stern, who died in 1969 at age 40 and was the sole survivor of his family. Thank you for your music and representing for our people.

  • Eric Hochberg made a $36.00 donation
  • Joanna Silver made a $0.00 donation

    great job, Rami! you rock!!

  • Teshuva Tolchin made a $10.00 donation
  • Elizabeth Bram made a $25.00 donation

    love Koshadillz, Love Blue Card!!!

  • Roxanne Zhilo made a $36.00 donation
  • Adina Genn made a $10.00 donation
  • In memory of Adele G Friedman made a $18.00 donation

    Rami, thank for all that you do for Value Culture and your commitment to Jewish life. My donation is in memory of my mother who passed away last week. Have a good run. Sheila Cooper, Havdalah Family

  • Steven Reisman made a $222.00 donation
  • Beth Talisman made a $18.00 donation

    You always inspire.

  • Anonymous made a $25.00 donation
  • Anonymous made a $18.00 donation
  • Steven Silverstein made a $36.00 donation

    Kol HaKavod Rami !

  • Rachel Klinghoffer Marcus made a $18.00 donation
  • Amanda Broder made a $118.00 donation

    I am donating on behalf of all survivors, and acknowledging and appreciating how lucky we all are to still have them here with us. And, of course I am also donating in memory of the many we all lost in the Holocaust. NO survivor should be living below the poverty line, and it’s heartbreaking that so very many do. Thank you, Rami! 🫶🏼 Amanda Broder Shatzkin

  • Kim Christel made a $25.00 donation
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