Beverlee Hockenstein made a $54.00 donation
I am proud of you for doing this and wish great things for you and all you devote yourself to.
$54.00 -
Claude Bovell made a $50.00 donation
I wish you the best of luck Sam.
$50.00 -
Miles Krol made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Michael Chernick made a $25.00 donation
Hi Sam, As a now retired marathoner and member of the Shaar in Westmount, I was appreciative of both your athletic and Jewish focused endeavor. The hills of Westmount and up through the park to the chateau are certainly great training grounds. All the best on Sunday and good luck! Michael Chenrick
$25.00 -
Laura Strauss made a $36.00 donation
Thank you for running this race, with a wonderful reason--remember the Holocaust.
$36.00 -
David Kanigsberg made a $18.00 donation
wishing you all the best in fulfilling this dream I’m an old friend of your dad’s
$18.00 -
In memory of Rubinstein Frankel Family made a $118.00 donation
What a wonderful Mitzvah! Stay safe....enjoy the Marathon.
$118.00 -
Laurie Tenenbaum made a $360.00 donation
A beautiful cause to support… so proud!
$360.00 -
Shimon Finkelstein made a $100.00 donation
great cause
$100.00 -
Stan Leibner made a $100.00 donation$100.00
In memory of In memory of my father, Moric Perera made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Max Tenenbaum made a $90.00 donation$90.00
Karyn Saragossi made a $54.00 donation
So great to raise awareness and funds of this important cause. Run Sam run!
$54.00 -
Jack Wiltzer made a $36.00 donation
$36.00 -
Margaret Taylor made a $25.00 donation$25.00
In memory of edith singer made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Anonymous made a $90.00 donation$90.00
In memory of Irving and Estelle Penkower made a $10.00 donation$10.00
Anonymous made a $50.00 donation
So excited for you as you take on this challenge in the name of such a great cause :)
$50.00 -
Viviane Krief Woodcock made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Anonymous made a $25.00 donation
Best of luck my bro !
$25.00 -
Alexandra Meltzer made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Steve Picciano made a $200.00 donation
go Sam go! CD
$200.00 -
Anonymous made a $14.00 donation$14.00
Cathy Meles made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Gordon Langsner made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Paolo Disante made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Sam Krief made a $50.00 donation
bravo cherie!
$50.00 -
Amy made a $36.00 donation$36.00
David Aberman made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Gabriella Perez made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Anonymous made a $10.00 donation$10.00
Marc Gold made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Anonymous made a $25.00 donation
Amazing initiative. Good luck next month! Proud of you Sam!!
$25.00 -
Anonymous made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Cooper Weiss made a $100.00 donation
So very proud of you Mr. Tenenbaum. Stay hard. Kind regards.
$100.00 -
Marnie Stern made a $360.00 donation
So proud of you Sam! Keep up the great work!
$360.00 -
Clara MacIntosh made a $50.00 donation
Proud of you Sammy!
$50.00 -
Osmud Rahman made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Anonymous made a $50.00 donation
Great cause , best of luck !
$50.00 -
Shayne Tessler made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Charles Pearson made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Kathy Halmi made a $180.00 donation$180.00
Steven Cummings made a $180.00 donation$180.00
Jonathan Abracen made a $200.00 donation$200.00
Andrea Hall made a $100.00 donation
I am so incredibly proud of you Sammie!! ❤️❤️
$100.00 -
Anonymous made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Mr. Shim made a $50.00 donation
west coast connections
$50.00 -
Anonymous made a $180.00 donation$180.00
Roger Konarski made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Alli Lande made a $50.00 donation
I’ve always had a crush on you, lowkey
$50.00 -
Anonymous made a $13.00 donation$13.00
Preston Ezralow made a $50.00 donation
good stuff, stay hard brother
$50.00 -
Refael Paris made a $50.00 donation$50.00
David Greenspoon made a $35.00 donation$35.00
Nicolas Vetrano made a $200.00 donation
yes suh!
$200.00 -
Gregory Walfish made a $25.00 donation
good luck
$25.00 -
Nabil Az made a $100.00 donation
Either you run the day or the day runs you. All the best!
$100.00 -
Howard Grant made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Aubrey Rosenhek made a $180.00 donation
Really amazing Sam! Gabby and Aubrey
$180.00 -
Elana and Jamie Minzberg made a $50.00 donation
great work Sam! you are an inspiration!
$50.00 -
Josef Paris made a $54.00 donation$54.00
Amir Wind made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Aisha Delpeche made a $100.00 donation
Congrats to you Sam!!!
$100.00 -
Charles Papazian made a $50.00 donation$50.00
William Bell made a $100.00 donation
Hi Sam- We're proud of you! Dana & Bill Bell
$100.00 -
Michael Concister made a $72.00 donation
Congratulations on your endeavours for a very worthy cause!
$72.00 -
Marc Bell made a $100.00 donation
great job Sam! fantastic cause.
$100.00 -
Edward Wiltzer made a $50.00 donation
you are raising money for a great cause.
$50.00 -
Frances Samuels made a $50.00 donation$50.00
The Schnapper Family made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Rich Clarke made a $30.00 donation
Way to go Sam! Proud of you, & impressed! Wish I had your courage, will & stamina! Great job!!
$30.00 -
Lauren Josh James Klein made a $154.00 donation
Beyond proud of your determination! We love you.
$154.00 -
Judd Garfield made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Charles Lepine made a $180.00 donation$180.00
Emma Margles made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Ken Metrick made a $250.00 donation
Serge was my mother Cecile's older brother and my uncle and a wonderful man. He would be so proud of what you are doing. Good luck with the run and may the wind always be at your back.
$250.00 -
In memory of Cécile Metrick made a $287.00 donation
I love you in this interview and my Mom Cécile, Serge's little sister would have been thrilled. Enjoy the race and hopefully you won't be too sore. With love, Mary-Ann xo
$287.00 -
In memory of Cecile, Andre and Serge Tenenbaum made a $250.00 donation$250.00
Harley Mayoff made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Julie Brownstein made a $18.00 donation
lol hakavod! Love your story and your drive! I’m sure you will crush it! Never again, in memory of the 6 million who perished in the holocaust.
$18.00 -
Eden Polansky made a $500.00 donation
Bravo Sam! We are so proud of you! See you at the finish line! With lots of love, Eden and Elijah
$500.00 -
Anonymous made a $500.00 donation$500.00
Sungsung William William made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Luigina Ciucci made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Richard Pinchuk made a $150.00 donation
Sam. Good job. Good luck Annamaria and Richard Pinchuk
$150.00 -
Barry Pascal made a $180.00 donation
From Susan & Barry Pascal
$180.00 -
Marina Kiblitsky made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Sol Chankowsky made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Catherine Forbes made a $25.00 donation
Way to go Sam! You've got this!
$25.00 -
Sharon Cohen made a $36.00 donation
May the proud spirit of your Zaydah ease your run!
$36.00 -
Shophia Baijnath made a $50.00 donation
I'm sp proud of you Sam Tenenbaum. You're an inspiration to me. I wish you the best of luck.
$50.00 -
Irwin and Claude Lande made a $100.00 donation
Amazing, Sam! Keep it up!!