Scarlet Hamrick - TFFT
$4,380.00 raised
$2,500.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Scarlet Hamrick - TFFT


In just one week I will be running the half marathon with @TFFT, and after a few days of rest, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise both funds and awareness for The Foundation For Tomorrow. The Foundation For Tomorrow is an organization based in Tanzania focused on improving the lives of orphan and vulnerable children through access to quality education. TFFT has recently opened a state-of-the-art Learning Centre that will serve learners in diverse ways and provide educational opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. To ensure that the Learning Centre is successful in serving this community, our team is hoping to raise $30,000 to install solar panels on the new building. Tanzania's grid power relies heavily on hydroelectricity, and when there is drought, there are national power cuts on a weekly basis. The installation of solar panels will provide a reliable, sustainable, and eco-friendly energy solution that will create an environment where power cuts do not impede the incredible work of staff and beneficiaries.  TFFT believes it is important as an organization to have a low environmental impact, especially in a country that is disproportionately impacted by climate change. So, to both power the building and empower deserving individuals, I am asking local businesses, friends, family, and anyone I meet on the street to please consider helping me make this happen! It's a great day to give and every dollar counts!

  • Jason Ely made a $100.00 donation

    good luck! we love you.

  • Karen Reynolds made a $50.00 donation

    Go do great things! I can’t wait to hear all about your experience!

  • Andy Misiaveg made a $50.00 donation

    go scarlet !

  • Sam Shuman made a $200.00 donation

    We're so excited for your trip and this great opportunity to make a difference! Can't wait to hear about it. Dana and Sam

  • Suzana Brady made a $30.00 donation

    You rock! Hope you have a fantastic time and get to reach your goals!

  • Betsey Stewart made a $100.00 donation

    Go Scarlet!! The Stewarts are cheering you on from MT! 💕

  • Eric McMurry made a $200.00 donation

    The Macs5 are cheering for you!

  • Charles and Jenn Blevins made a $250.00 donation

    sounds amazing, good luck!

  • The Helms Family made a $250.00 donation

    The Helms Family You Got This ❤️

  • The Giraldo's made a $500.00 donation

    LETS GO!!!!!!

  • Anonymous made a $50.00 donation


  • Anonymous made a $100.00 donation
  • Kim Hegardt made a $250.00 donation
  • The Edgars made a $100.00 donation

    Wishing you strength and peace in this worthy adventure!

  • Shannon B Collins made a $100.00 donation

    Shine on, Scarlet💫. So happy to give to such an important cause.

  • Audrey Loder made a $250.00 donation

    TFFT sounds like a phenomenal organization! Thank you for fundraising for such an important cause! Best wishes for a fun and fulfilling experience in Tanzania!

  • Benjamin Murphy made a $250.00 donation

    Good Luck--The Murphy's

  • Wellington Hamrick Precast made a $1,000.00 donation

    You got this! So proud of you.

  • Kim Kendrick made a $500.00 donation

    Go Scarlet!

  • Anonymous made a $50.00 donation
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