Shelley Stanko made a $2,285.00 donation$2,285.00
Holly Bundy made a $20.00 donation
Go Shelley! ❤️
$20.00 -
Kathryne Blair made a $100.00 donation$100.00
Linda Bales made a $10.00 donation$10.00
Barry Williams made a $100.00 donation
Go Shelley!
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Danita Osborne made a $20.00 donation$20.00
Gina Wilson made a $30.00 donation
So cool that you are doing this sister, good luck!!!!!
$30.00 -
Tina Jones made a $25.00 donation
$25.00 -
Monica Edwards made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Sherry Osborne made a $50.00 donation
Good Luck and so excited for you to be part of this!!💙💙
$50.00 -
Brenda Jamieson made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Anonymous made a $10.00 donation$10.00
Amanda Miller made a $25.00 donation
Best of luck!!
$25.00 -
Catherine Cherpak made a $10.00 donation
Have a great run!! 💜
$10.00 -
Dan Goulson made a $100.00 donation
A great opportunity to lift people up!
$100.00 -
Brady Dale made a $25.00 donation
You are an inspiration to us all Dr. Stanko!
$25.00 -
Andrea Holecek made a $25.00 donation
Have a blast! So proud of you!
$25.00 -
Roberto Cardarelli made a $50.00 donation
Go get them!!
$50.00 -
Juan Yanes made a $200.00 donation
Thank you for once again caring enough to make a positive difference. I've encouraged our daughter Catherine to alway be, do and give her best. Cheryl and I are making this donation in her honor.Here's in he honor.
$200.00 -
Christy Spitser made a $100.00 donation
Great cause! So proud to work with you!
$100.00 -
Julie Shahroudi made a $25.00 donation
Shelley! I appreciate all that you do!
$25.00 -
Bobbie Zhang made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Ed Stanko made a $600.00 donation$600.00
Lauren Fowler made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Dorothy Lockhart made a $25.00 donation
so excited for you!
$25.00 -
Melissa Urso made a $25.00 donation
Have a blast running NYC, Shelley!
$25.00 -
Anonymous made a $20.00 donation$20.00
Haley Poston made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Jordyne Carmack made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Tammy Garland made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Marilyn Curtis made a $20.00 donation$20.00
Heidi Tripp made a $50.00 donation
Running is the best medicine !!
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Will Krost made a $100.00 donation
Happy Birthday Shelley!
$100.00 -
Michelle Brock Brock made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Stacey Martin made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Becky Herren made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Amy Jones made a $50.00 donation
Great cause! Good Luck!
$50.00 -
Kelly Cumbee made a $25.00 donation
Great cause, Shelley!