Shelley’s Bras for Girls
$4,500.00 raised
$4,500.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Shelley’s Bras for Girls
Thank you for your generous donation to Bras for Girls and your commitment to supporting girls in sport. As an advocate for health and wellbeing for all people, this powerful yet simple way to encourage girls to pursue sport resonates with me. I’m so grateful for your help!
  • Shelley Stanko made a $2,285.00 donation
  • Holly Bundy made a $20.00 donation

    Go Shelley! ❤️

  • Kathryne Blair made a $100.00 donation
  • Linda Bales made a $10.00 donation
  • Barry Williams made a $100.00 donation

    Go Shelley!

  • Danita Osborne made a $20.00 donation
  • Gina Wilson made a $30.00 donation

    So cool that you are doing this sister, good luck!!!!!

  • Tina Jones made a $25.00 donation


  • Monica Edwards made a $50.00 donation
  • Sherry Osborne made a $50.00 donation

    Good Luck and so excited for you to be part of this!!💙💙

  • Brenda Jamieson made a $25.00 donation
  • Anonymous made a $10.00 donation
  • Amanda Miller made a $25.00 donation

    Best of luck!!

  • Catherine Cherpak made a $10.00 donation

    Have a great run!! 💜

  • Dan Goulson made a $100.00 donation

    A great opportunity to lift people up!

  • Brady Dale made a $25.00 donation

    You are an inspiration to us all Dr. Stanko!

  • Andrea Holecek made a $25.00 donation

    Have a blast! So proud of you!

  • Roberto Cardarelli made a $50.00 donation

    Go get them!!

  • Juan Yanes made a $200.00 donation

    Thank you for once again caring enough to make a positive difference. I've encouraged our daughter Catherine to alway be, do and give her best. Cheryl and I are making this donation in her honor.Here's in he honor.

  • Christy Spitser made a $100.00 donation

    Great cause! So proud to work with you!

  • Julie Shahroudi made a $25.00 donation

    Shelley! I appreciate all that you do!

  • Bobbie Zhang made a $50.00 donation
  • Ed Stanko made a $600.00 donation
  • Lauren Fowler made a $50.00 donation
  • Dorothy Lockhart made a $25.00 donation

    so excited for you!

  • Melissa Urso made a $25.00 donation

    Have a blast running NYC, Shelley!

  • Anonymous made a $20.00 donation
  • Haley Poston made a $50.00 donation
  • Jordyne Carmack made a $50.00 donation
  • Tammy Garland made a $25.00 donation
  • Marilyn Curtis made a $20.00 donation
  • Heidi Tripp made a $50.00 donation

    Running is the best medicine !!

  • Will Krost made a $100.00 donation

    Happy Birthday Shelley!

  • Michelle Brock Brock made a $25.00 donation
  • Stacey Martin made a $25.00 donation
  • Becky Herren made a $25.00 donation
  • Amy Jones made a $50.00 donation

    Great cause! Good Luck!

  • Kelly Cumbee made a $25.00 donation

    Great cause, Shelley!

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