John Scott made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Cathryne Dutka made a $125.00 donation
From your sister Who is always by your side to your running and the cause that this supports may you finish this Marathon! 🎶 love you! you are amazing!
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In memory of Terri Ellison made a $250.00 donation
Run Like a Burrito!
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Amber Fetterman made a $20.00 donation
Good luck and congrats! thanks for all you do for others
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Amanda Jackson made a $250.00 donation
You are amazing! we will be cheering you on from afar
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Jennifer Lauerman made a $20.00 donation$20.00
Jon and Paige made a $75.00 donation
Way to go, Steph! We are cheering for you!
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Cari Ellison made a $125.00 donation
go lil duck!!!
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Kayla Conologue made a $30.00 donation$30.00
Christina Jackson made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Joe South made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Sam Ellison made a $500.00 donation
Good luck Stephanie. This is for a great cause.
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Lynnette Lo Bianco made a $75.00 donation$75.00
Jenna Rieder made a $20.00 donation
Have Fun!!
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Lindsey Rosen made a $50.00 donation
Have fun! We are cheering for you!
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Keil Brinster made a $50.00 donation
little help from Bailey!
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Krysta Porteus made a $150.00 donation
I can’t wait to cheer on my bestie for her for World Major! ⭐️
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Koryna Bucholz made a $100.00 donation
YAY!!!! Let the training begin :) Can't wait, Steph!!
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John Scott made a $50.00 donation
deep dish pizza here we come!