A MESSAGE FROM Brittany Tate's Fundraising Page!
Team CASA members use the incredible experience of training for and running one of the world’s largest marathons to raise awareness and funds for the most vulnerable individuals in Chicago–children in the Cook County foster care system who have experienced abuse and/or neglect.
As some of you know, FB and I are very interested in fostering children in our future. It’s something we have both felt moved toward and is really important to us. When researching ways to get involved in the fostering community, CASA came up over and over.
My goal of $2,500 is a lofty one, but it will fund the cost of providing CASA services for one child in foster care for one year.
Every week I do my long run, I will update you on some of the amazing things that CASA provides for some of the most vulnerable people in our country.
Thank you SO much, in advance, for your support!!
With love,