For All Ages is Connecticut’s only nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting the generations and inspiring action to end loneliness, reduce ageism, and improve health and well-being.
Across Connecticut, too many of our neighbors are facing loneliness and isolation.
You can help us create positive, collaborative experiences between the generations that give older adults a sense of purpose while countering the loneliness that people of all ages are experiencing.
Your involvement will enrich lives, promote kindness and caring, and provide vital social interaction that improves mental and physical health.
Since launching in 2019, our volunteer-driven organization has served thousands of our neighbors across the state. By joining The Team For All Ages, you will make an immediate impact in the lives of thousands more.
Thank you for supporting For All Ages and our vision of a healthy community that is connected across generations.
To join our fundraising team without entering a race, click here.
Benefits of joining our team (we ask that you raise a minimum of $150)
1. Exclusive access to our Team FAA Slack workspace
2. Coaching:
* Free coaching advice from marathoners Natalie Carpenter and Sue Poudrier
* Monthly team training meetups (walks and runs) at the MDC Reservoir, WH
3. Tips & tricks to help you reach your fundraising goal
4. Free team lunch & a free beer on Saturday, October 7 at Dudleytown Brewing, Windsor!
5. Free set of no-hole bib clips so you can ditch those safety pins
Set your goal to become a For All Ages Superhero!
* Raise at least $150 to receive our 2023 Team For All Ages t-shirt
* Raise at least $350 & also receive a custom bottle opener/bar tool.
* Raise at least $500 & become a For All Ages Superhero! You’ll receive everything above PLUS a commemorative For All Ages superhero cape to proudly wear on race day,