Stack Kilimanjaro Marathon for TFFT
Only 29 days remaining to help Stack Kilimanjaro Marathon for TFFT reach her fundraising goal
$11,500.00 raised
$10,000.00 goal
A MESSAGE FROM Stack Kilimanjaro Marathon for TFFT

 It is with great excitement that I announce I have been training for my return to marathon running and plan to participate in the Kilimanjaro Marathon in Tanzania on February 23, 2025, in support of The Foundation for Tomorrow (TFFT). While I am thrilled for this opportunity, I am extremely aware and sensitive to the issues surrounding the devastation in multiple parts of our own nation. So much heartache, need for rebuild, and a chance to succeed. While it is important to support domestically, it is equally crucial to ensure all people have the tools to face challenges ahead.


My support of Team TFFT includes committing to raise a minimum of $10,000 to help secure quality education and emotional support for orphan and vulnerable children in the Tanzania area. Now in its 18th year, the foundation is the brainchild of Charlotte native and Charlotte Country Day alum, Meghann Gunderman Sehorn, who recognized an estimated two million children between the ages of 7 and 13 years are out-of-school in Tanzania.


Rick and I, and each of our children, were fortunate to have excellent education opportunities available that allowed pursuit of professional goals, provide stability, self-dependency, and foundations for a meaningful quality of life. We are appreciative of the power of education and its trajectory on one’s life.  Using the gifts of sport and networking, I am hoping to use my voice to raise awareness for the less fortunate children of Tanzania for a chance at a better life.


But WHY should YOU support me to support TFFT?


In addition to fixing our domestic issues, we must support other countries to be self-sufficient and build up future leadership. Tanzania is experiencing encouraging economic growth yet remains in need of strong leaders to help sustain, increase, and utilize this growth to reverse widespread poverty. Despite sustained economic growth and persistent decline in poverty, in 2024, 26 million people in Tanzania live in extreme poverty.


With 45% of its population under the age of fifteen, Tanzania is a young country hungry for learning opportunities. Inequitable access to schooling and quality education is a massive barrier for children in Tanzania, limiting children’s prospects. Fifty-eight percent of Tanzanian youth graduate primary school and only about 29% continue to secondary school. Primary school-aged children from the poorest families are three times less likely to attend school than those from the wealthiest households. Unemployment rates are also high. Of the 800,000 graduates annually entering the Tanzanian labor market, there are only 40,000 jobs waiting to be filled.

Investing in the next generation should be a global effort. TFFT believes the most impactful way to invest in this generation is by harnessing the power of education. My race trip in February, will include activities with the scholars and alumni at the TFFT Learning Centre, visits to current scholars at their schools so we can see their education in action, and visits to the homes of some of their scholars so we can see the communities we are helping to uplift.  All raised funds go directly to TFFT to help support their holistic services including access to quality schooling, health and psychosocial support, and life skills programs. Your investment will help transform children today, and communities for tomorrow.


 As I head to Africa mid-February, I would appreciate your prayers for continuing success of this incredible foundation, safety of the team during this trip, and a healthy run. As you are making decisions towards charitable giving for 2025, I am hoping you will consider my request for support to The Foundation for Tomorrow. Please use the link  or the QR code below to donate and remember, every dollar counts & no level of contribution is too small.


Thank you very much for considering a gift, your prayers, and supporting me in this challenge.






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  • Graham Allen made a $50.00 donation

    Hey Michele, such an exciting trip. good luck! your running career is inspiring

  • Anonymous made a $2,000.00 donation

    Good Luck Michelle! Have an awesome run in beautiful Africa!

  • Copie and Jim made a $100.00 donation
  • Karen Sawyer made a $100.00 donation

    Go Michele Go!!!

  • Tammy and David Medlock made a $2,000.00 donation
  • Wendy Helms made a $100.00 donation

    It's an honor to support you and such worthy cause Michele. Enjoy the race! -Conrad & Wendy

  • Susan Bianuccj made a $50.00 donation

    run like the wind and have so much fun! This is such a great cause in such an amazing marathon to be a part of wish I were there to cheer you on!! go team TFFT

  • Jason Lenhart made a $200.00 donation

    Go Michele! From Jason and Michelle

  • Michael Braun made a $200.00 donation

    Go Michele!! Love, the Brauns

  • Jane Caldwell made a $250.00 donation

    go Michele!

  • Michelle Cristini made a $100.00 donation

    thank you for doing this !

  • Regan & Aaron Roberts made a $50.00 donation
  • Laura Spencer made a $100.00 donation

    You are so impressive...on and off the running trails!

  • Elizabeth Barrett made a $200.00 donation
  • Mike and Janelle Lenhart made a $250.00 donation

    Good luck, sis!

  • Neil Sessoms made a $100.00 donation

    You do so much for good causes. I respect and admire you. Neil

  • Annie and Baxter Murray made a $30.00 donation

    Can’t wait for your race and trip! Hope it’s a great time. We’ll be praying!

  • Hollie Rollins made a $50.00 donation

    covering you, friend, with prayer, traveling mercies and safety, and a healthy run! 💗 Hollie

  • Elizabeth Fletcher made a $100.00 donation
  • In memory of Joe Nakato made a $1,000.00 donation

    Good luck Michele!

  • Anonymous made a $25.00 donation

    Hope you have a fantastic run and raise some money! Run, Michele, run!

  • Jack Knight made a $100.00 donation

    Good luck Michele!

  • Rick Stack made a $1,000.00 donation

    How much to keep her longer? just kidding—good luck Michele.

  • Forest and Ellen Britt made a $200.00 donation
  • Angie Hawisher made a $50.00 donation

    When I grow up I want to be just like you!!! 😘

  • Diane Everhart made a $100.00 donation

    The best to you on this run and with your fundraising event. Safe travels. Diane

  • Debbie Brown made a $100.00 donation

    safe travels and best of luck in your marathon!

  • Jeff & Karen Filcik made a $20.00 donation

    Michele, we are looking forward to meeting you in Tanzania - good luck with your race!

  • Parker W Ingalls Jr made a $50.00 donation
  • Chris and Beth Pierpont made a $100.00 donation

    She’s back! Run strong!

  • William Harmon made a $100.00 donation
  • Amy (Crane) Querry made a $25.00 donation

    You are amazing! Safe travels!

  • Anonymous made a $25.00 donation

    Go Michele!! We have confidence in you!! xooxo Catherine and Gray

  • Elizabeth Reidy made a $50.00 donation

    Good luck, Coach Stack!! Will be cheering you on from NC!🩷🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️

  • Michele and Rick Stack made a $2,500.00 donation
  • Samantha Filcik made a $25.00 donation
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